Petition for cheaper and more reliable electricity!

As fuel, food and transport costs all soar, South Africans simply cannot afford an 18.65% electricity tariff increase on top of it all. Sign this petition for cheaper and more reliable electricity options, other than Eskom.

Kliek hier om die petisie in Afrikaans te sien/teken.

The decision by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) to increase electricity tariffs by 18.65%, despite citizens spending over 120 days in darkness in 2022, with indefinite stage 6 load shedding already in 2023, is official sanctioned daylight robbery against citizens.

The DA is working hard to change this:

  • Fighting to break Eskom’s monopoly
  • DA-led governments are racing ahead to buy power from independent producers
  • Pushing incentives for individuals to produce their own power
  • Amendment bill to change how NERSA determines the electricity price

Show your support for our efforts to ensure cheaper and more reliable electricity by signing this petition.

109920 supporters

10080 needed to reach 120000

Kliek hier om die petisie in Afrikaans te sien/teken.

The decision by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) to increase electricity tariffs by 18.65%, despite citizens spending over 120 days in darkness in 2022, with indefinite stage 6 load shedding already in 2023, is official sanctioned daylight robbery against citizens.

The DA is working hard to change this:

  • Fighting to break Eskom’s monopoly
  • DA-led governments are racing ahead to buy power from independent producers
  • Pushing incentives for individuals to produce their own power
  • Amendment bill to change how NERSA determines the electricity price

Show your support for our efforts to ensure cheaper and more reliable electricity by signing this petition.